Configuration, programming and simulation of manufacturing and material handling processes
Manufacturing and factory process at any scale become more and more complex. At the same time these processes need to be engineered in less time. Virtual configuration and validation therefore becomes more important.
FASTSUITE Edition 2 is a powerful solution to virtually configure, specify, program and simulate various kinds of manufacturing processes. From small detailed machine operations to full scaled factory material handling processes, including human interactions.
The (intelligent) component based architecture is PLM neutral and enables to easily configure imported geometry for the intended manufacturing technology and process environment.
The portfolio of FASTSUITE Edition 2 is a scalable range of products. This opens the solution not only for engineers but for all people and departments involved in the process flow from sales to production. Sales presentations become more realistic by using predefined and configurable components, accessible through company networks, that are ready for simulation. Planners can optimize work cell layouts, programmers can teach robots and production can validate Start of Production. The range of applications is huge.
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